Welcome to Sacred Community
The Chinchaysuyu is dedicated to honoring the earth and all her inhabitants. We are a sacred community that carries and teachs the wisdom traditions of the pachakuti mesa. This tradition is birthed from ancient Peruvian and Andean cultures in the the highlands of Peru.
We are a community ever expanding and continuously creating beauty in the world through sacred living. We come from all walks of life and unite with a common passionate vision to serve the planet and all her children by holding sacred space for all beings to weave as one. Our strength relies on our connection and our ability to share and listen to one another speak truth into the world. It is a time on the planet to re-member our "Self" within the divine expression of all states of being. We invite you to be a part of our luminous body and acknowledge that we are "all ready to be" interwoven within a golden web of life, birthed from our passionate expression and divine creation.
-A sacred community birthed from the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition-
-A sacred community birthed from the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition-