A Special Message and Ceremony from don Oscar Miro-Quesada
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Noon - Weds. July 31st to Noon Thurs. Aug. 1st, 2013
Global Sipapu Stargate Activation

The Heart of the Healer (THOTH) global
Sipapu Stargate Activation
support ceremony, August 1, 2013,
represents participation in the
culmination of our dreaming of Sipapu
as a World Wisdom
Convergence Center and home to our community.
Yet as with all endings - it is only a beginning.
Please follow this link for a printable PDF version of the ceremony >>
To print larger images for ceremony, use this link

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Then submit your comments, pictures, sharings more frequently!
Wishing all "Happy Summer Solstice"
May we all enjoy the fullness of this new turn of the wheel, as the days grow longer, and the central Sun shines stronger. May we continue to be connected and supported by our roots in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition and don Oscar Miro-Quesada's August 1st Ceremony at Sipapu.